
Where to ask for a help if I face the violence in the Czech Republic?

06/12/22 | Článek

During the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we decided to not just draw attention to the fact that it‘s important to recognize different forms of violence, speak about it and try to prevent it, but also to inform potential victims. One of the most frequent groups among these victims are migrant women, who are extremely vulnerable to various forms of violence due to their social status and migration background.

What types of violence do we have? 

Violence against women takes many different forms.

One of them is domestic violence (physical, psychological, sexual, social, and economic), which mostly takes place in private and intimate relationships between partners/husband and wife.

Another frequent form of violence against women is also sexual violence (sexual harassment, sexual abuse, exploitation, and rape). The term includes all sexual acts that took place without the consent of the person concerned, were done under the violent threats, were forcibly coerced or when the perpetrator took advantage of the victim's vulnerability.

We also understand human trafficking as a type of violence. In such cases, women involuntarily perform some kind of work under the threat of physical and psychological violence, e.g. prostitution.

What to ask yourself? 

Do I feel like someone is physically threatening me? Is anyone causing me the physical harm? Do I feel that someone is trying to control me? Is there anyone around me who repeatedly humiliates, insults, ridicules, threatens, and verbally attacks me? Do I feel like someone is emotionally blackmailing me? Do I feel like someone else is in control of my financial situation? Is there anyone trying to isolate me from my family and loved ones? Do I feel like someone is checking my phone, how I dress, who I hang out with, how I spend my time? Have I ever been forced into any involuntary sexual act? Do I feel like someone is stalking me?

If you answer yes to at least one or more questions, you should try to ask for help.

Who can help me? 

Our organization has created a list of helplines and support services for victims of sexual harassment, violence against women and exploitation. There you will find contacts for twelve Prague organizations and a description of the services they offer, which you can use at any time you need to. The organizations listed below and more will be happy to help you:

Complete list of help lines with detailed description and contacts in Czech here>> English here>> Ukrainian here>> Mongolian here>>

Remember that you are not alone in this situation. There are different types of assistance, so choose the one that suits you the best. If you have not experienced violence yourself, but know a woman who has, recommend her to read this article.

Článek vznikl v rámci projektu „Migrantky mezi ženami“ v realizaci Sdružení pro integraci a migraci, o. p. s., za finanční podpory Úřadu vlády České republiky, a byl kofinancován v rámci projektu „Safety and wellbeing for refugee and migrant women among us" podpořeného z dotace International Rescue Committee. Výstupy projektu nereprezentují názor Úřadu vlády České republiky a Úřad vlády České republiky neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou obsahem těchto výstupů.


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Tento blog vznikl v rámci projektu „Ženy na vedlejší koleji (?)“, který podpořila Nadace Open Society Fund Praha z programu Dejme (že)nám šanci, který je financován z Norských fondů. Projekt realizoval Sdružení pro integraci a migraci (SIMI) ve spolupráci s FHS Univerzity Karlovy v Praze a Universitou Bergen v období let 2014 - 2016. Od roku 2016 je správa blogu částečně podpořen z prostředků státního rozpočtu ČR v rámci dotace Úřadu vlády ČR z programu Podpora veřejně účelných aktivit nestátních neziskových organizací v oblasti rovnosti žen a mužů, a to v rámci série projektů "Migrantky mezi ženami". V roce 2017 probíhala správa blogu za spolufinancování z projektu „Migrant women among us“, podpořeného v rámci programu ENAR National Projects a financovaného z prostředků Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust a dále z projektu „Migrant Women among us“, realizovaného v rámci regrantovacího programu projektu LADDER – Local Authorities as Drivers for Development Education & Raising awareness, realizovaného organizací ALDA– the Association of Local Democracy z podpory Evropské unie. Názory vyjádřené na těchto stránkách jsou v plné odpovědnosti Sdružení pro integraci a migraci, o.p.s. a v žádném případě neobsahují stanoviska Evropské unie, nebo ALDA.