Pozvánka na workshop Sisters in Solidarity: A Theatrical Inquiry into Gender-Based Violence through Image Theatre
18/04/24 | Článek
Sdružení pro integraci a migraci srdečně zve všechny migrantky, uprchlice a další ženy na workshop nazvaný "Sisters in Solidarity: A Theatrical Inquiry into Gender-Based Violence through Image Theatre". Pojďte společně s námi prozkoumat naše zkušenosti a posílit ženskou sounáležitost!
Datum a čas:
- setkání: neděle, 28. dubna 2024, od 14:00 do 16:00;
- setkání: neděle, 5. května 2024, od 14:00 do 16:00.
Místo: InBáze, Legerova 50, Praha - Vinohrady
Trvání: 2 hodiny/workshop
Workshop proběhne v angličtině.
Pozvánka zde>>
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Těšíme se na setkání!
Kapacita je omezena. Prosíme, vyplňte registrační formulář.
Registrace je závazná. Pokud se nemůžete zúčastnit workshopu, prosíme, zrušte svou registraci e-mailem na adresu brunerova@migrace.com. Děkujeme za pochopení.
Association for integration and migration kindly invites all migrant, refugee and other women to workshop called "Sisters in Solidarity: A Theatrical Inquiry into Gender-Based Violence through Image Theatre".
Join us for a transformative experience that explores personal and social oppressions, and acts of deep solidarity!
Date and time:
1st session: Sunday, 28th of April 2024, 2 PM - 4 PM;
2nd session: Sunday, 5th of May 2024, 2 PM - 4 PM
Place: InBáze, Legerova 50, Praha - Vinohrady
Duration: 2 hours/workshop
The workshop will be held in English. (intermediate level is recommended, but not required)
For the invitation click here>>
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Looking forward to being in this empowering journey together!
The capacity is limited. Please, fill out the registration form: https://forms.gle/H3PA4ock11Ab9JEG9
Registration is mandatory. If you are unable to attend the workshop, please cancel your registration via email brunerova@migrace.com. Thank you for understanding.
The event is organized within the project "Migrants Women Among Women" supported by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. The project outputs do not represent the opinion of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic is not responsible for the use of the information contained in these outputs.